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Dr Suresh K Pandey Performed Live Surgery in Jaipur during Eye Conference
Kota. Dr Suresh K Pandey, director, SuVi Eye Institute & Lasik Laser Center, Kota performed a Live Surgery during the JaipurOphthalmological Society (JOS) Workshop held at Jaipur on October 21. Organized at the Dr Virendra Laser Phaco Surgery Center, Jaipur(October 21, 2012), the "Live Surgery Workshop” was attended by more than 150 delegates. Dr Pandey demonstrated "Phacoemulsification without preoperative dilating drops using Abbott Medical Optics Signature Phacoemusification System (with WhiteStar ICE & CaSE). Pupillary dilatation was achieved by intracameral injection of one percent lignocaine hydrochloride. Tecnis One Piece Toric Lens (AMO) was implanted using Emerald Injector System in a 72 years old male suffering from age-related cataract. The Live Surgery session was very interactive and Dr Pandey answered questions from participants while demonstrating preferred surgical techniques. Dr Suresh Pandey is first and only eye surgeon from Rajasthan who performed phacoemulsification with Tecnis Toric IOL implantation without using preoperative dilating eye drops.
Photo: Dr Suresh K Pandey Performing Live Surgery in Jaipur during JOS Conference